Monday, March 21, 2011

Here's Why Baseball Kicks Ass

Can't wait for baseball season to start, getting pretty bored these days. I know a lot of you fucktards spray feces from your delinquent mouths all over the greatest game ever invented but hey I'm not one to judge. So for all you true sports fans out there following this all-amazing blog, enjoy this shit. Although you probably already have.

sorry this song sux but the plays speak for themselves

This mothafucka's money

gotta love Doc Ellis, probably the greateast no-hitter of all time

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Someone recently reminded me how expensive education is.....shit's true, you can either live and learn by making tons of bad decisions and investments, or go to school, spend thousands of dollars...and then make tons of bad decisions and investments. I myself have learned to be a relatively disgruntled individual. My favorite word is FUCK, People bother me, and I've considered writing a letter to HBO threatening to waterboard someone until they get the fact that no one's gunna watch "He's just not that into you" into their heads at least a dozen times. Trying to educate yourself well enough to move past shortcomings such as these takes a shit load of dedication and my hat goes of to anyone that can do it. If there's anything I've learned from LRG tee shirts circa 2004, it's that the more you travel the smaller the world gets. I recently said "FUCK IT" and went on a tropical vacation to the Bahamas and quickly realized that it's easier to have an epiphany while alone with your thoughts on a beach in the Caribbean than while you're at work, or school, or skating or making beats. Who knew?

The fish were mega angry.

Bond film shit.

Crackers on vacation activities.

This shit never got old.

Not easy.

Needless to say this relieved a fair amount of tension.

So, Yeah, hookers still love money and everyone seems to want to sell you drugs, but I highly recommend (to our 7 readers or whatever) getting the FUCK outta dodge for a minute or two. You just might learn some shit, stranger things have happened...............oh, and big ups to Super Street Ron for finishing college. Dick.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body."

If you haven't heard by now, you obviously live under a rock or don't have eyes/ears/combination of the two. Charlie Sheen has been on a campaign of awesome, he will not stop until he makes you explode via his mind.

click on any of the pictures for more radness.